Silly medical doctors, nutritional yeast can't cause candida!
It is a great source of protein, B12, and cheesy flavor, not infections!
Here is why.
Candida infections are an overgrowth of a yeast called Candida Albicans. Candida lives in moist places on your skin and in your intestines. Normally, it's growth is inhibited by close contact with the friendly bacteria that live there as well.
Candida infections in the gut typically come from overuse of antibiotics and some other medications that kill off too many friendly bacteria, making a nice clear path for the normally small colonies of yeast to grow like wildfire and spread to the point there are signs of illness like bloating, poor digestion, flatulence, and abdominal pain.
These infections can be worsened by a diet high in sugars, which encourage yeast to grow
(mmm... yeast love sugar),
as well as processed foods and saturated animal fats, which decrease the healthy bacteria in the gut and keep the yeast large and in charge in your gut.
If you tend to be chronically bloated and probiotics don't have lasting effects, you might have candida overgrowth.
So what about nutritional yeast?
Can eating a type of yeast make this worse?
Well for the uneducated consumer, that makes sense, and sadly in the nutrition world, most MD's fit in that category, heck I did too 10 years ago.
Nutritional yeast, also known as Nooch or Hippie Dust, is made from the deactivated yeast species S. cerevisiae.
By deactivated, I mean it cannot reproduce and infect you.
It can however, infect vegan sauces with a wonderfully cheesy and delicious flavor, while providing a great source of vitamins, minerals (especially B12), and protein.
Got bloat? Don't nix the nooch!
Here is what you do:
1. Stay away from meat and dairy, which directly harm the friendly bacteria in your gut.
2. Avoid processed sugars.
3. If necessary, try a Candida Cleanse. (I like this one personally
4. Nourish your body with healthy whole plant foods and plenty of water.
5. Enjoy your nooch!
Dr. G

The Vegan Medical Doctor
Dr. Brooke Goldner is board certified in psychiatry and neurology, and is certified in plant-based nutrition. 10 years ago, she healed herself of a deadly disease, Lupus, entirely with her nutrition protocol. She now used her healing protocol to teach clients how to use simple Supermarket foods to heal their bodies and live vibrant lives.
To learn more about Dr. G, go to
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